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In Oakland, Orinda, Lafayette, & Nearby Areas In California
Make your property fire-safe with our yard cleanup service.
Get yard cleanup in Oakland & nearby areas of California.
Yard Cleanup Service in Oakland, Orinda, Lafayette & Nearby Areas in California
Our yard cleanup service includes cutting tall grass, removing weeds, and more!

Fires are a prominent enemy to our area and tall grass, weeds, and overgrown foliage help them spread. At Brush Pros, we can help prevent fires on your property with our yard cleanup service, which includes cutting tall grass, removing weeds, and pruning small trees. Removing a fire's fuel from your property is an effective prevention method, and we'll make it look good too. Our goal is to blend fire safety with aesthetics. We offer our yard cleanups to properties in and around Oakland, Orinda, and Lafayette, CA. Call us today at (510) 339-9991 to sign up for our yard cleanup service!
What does our yard cleanup service include?

As one of our fire abatement services, our yard cleanup service involves clearing and removing fire hazards from your property. Removing potential fire feeders - like tall grass, weeds, and low-hanging branches - is a great way to help prevent a potential fire from spreading. Our yard cleanup service includes:
Cutting tall grass and removing weeds – We cut tall grass, like foxtail and wild oat, using our heavy-duty equipment. We also remove weeds, like thistle, from your property. Cutting tall grass and removing weeds will reduce a fire's opportunity to feed on additional foliage and continue spreading.
Pruning small trees and low-hanging branches – We can prune back branches away from your home or business for fire abatement purposes. Pruning can prevent grass fires from spreading up the low-hanging branches and into the tree.
We comply with all fire safety regulations and we guarantee that your property will pass a fire inspection after we have performed our services.
We'll Make Your Property Beautiful & Fire-Safe With Our Yard Cleanup Service

At Brush Pros, we have two goals during our services - to make your property beautiful and fire-safe. We take pride in blending fire safety with aesthetics, and we can enhance your property's curb appeal with our yard cleanup service. Once we clear your property of tall grass and weeds and prune your small trees, we'll haul off all the debris. Removing the debris will ensure nothing is littering your property and dragging down its appearance. We extensively train our crew to abide by our aesthetic standards as much as our fire safety ones, and you can trust that we'll exceed your expectations with our yard cleanup service!
Looking to remove fire hazards on your property and enhance its aesthetic? Sign up for our yard cleanup service!
If you want to remove fire hazards on your property and enhance its aesthetic, you've come to the right place! We have 40 years of experience performing fire abatement services, including our yard cleanup service. We'll remove tall grass and weeds from your property and we will also prune small trees and low-hanging branches to reduce the amount of fire fuel on your property and give you peace of mind. What's more, we'll make sure your property looks good too! When done right, fire safety can also yield aesthetic benefits; your property will look well-maintained and neat, which enhances its curb appeal. You can rest assured we'll do it right the first time - or we'll come back to fix it.
We offer our yard cleanup service to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in and around Oakland, CA, including Orinda and Lafayette. Call us today at (510) 339-9991 to sign up for our yard cleanup service and achieve a fire-safe, beautiful property!
We offer our yard cleanup service to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in and around Oakland, CA, including Orinda and Lafayette. Call us today at (510) 339-9991 to sign up for our yard cleanup service and achieve a fire-safe, beautiful property!
(510) 339-9991
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